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When you find a sore spot, stop and hold the position for at least 30 seconds until you can feel the muscle relax. Calves. Iliotibial band. Upper back. Bend your trunk forward as you bring the other leg back. Complete the exercise by touching an object on the floor. Repeat 10 times, 2 sets. Foam roll massage Lay on a foam roller with top leg crossed over. Keep body in a straight line, do not bend hips. Roll from the hip to just above the knee. Use theSlowly roll backwards just enough to feel the stretch and pressure on the muscles of the low back. Page 3. Gluteal Muscles, IT Band and Lateral Quadriceps. Figure 4 Stretch for the Piriformis Muscle. Cross one leg over the other into a If the foam roller is initially too painful, utilize a Thera-Band Roller. Lay on a foam roller with top leg crossed over. Keep body in a straight line, do not bend hips. Roll from the hip to just above the knee. Use the A foam roller is exactly as it sounds. It's a cylinder of dense foam. When you roll your muscles over the cylinder, the theory is the.
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