Ronda 3520 d manual
Ronda 3520.D Manuals are collected by our users from the manufacturer's official website as well as from the other reliable sources. All manuals have been thoroughly checked by our moderators and active users of our website. The original 3520.D documentation will allow you to get accurate and Brand Ronda Caliber Number Ronda 3520.D Type Quartz Size 10 1/2"' x 11 1/2"' Diameter 26.2mm Thickness 4.9mm Battery Cell Number 384 (1.5 V) Claimed Battery Life 54 months Jewels 4 Hacking Yes Hands 1.50mm/0.90mm/0.25mm Functions Hours, minutes, central chronograph seconds Corresponding to Ronda's product range you will find here all user's manuals. The caliber in your Glycine is the Ronda 3520.D, and yes, the hour chrono hand is mechanically slaved to the minute chrono hand. As the motor only operates clockwise, the only way both hands can zero themselves is Ronda caliber 3520.D Swiss Made quartz chronograph movement. Ronda 3520D PDF Version. HQ-3520.D-S. Product Details. Ligne Size.
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